Basic Information About Visa
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Basic Information About Visa

  • While applying for visa, correct form should be used. The form for a national of Bangladesh is at Visa Form-BD, for national of Pakistan is at Visa Form-Pak and for others including Japanese is at Visa Form.
  • Visa application form should be signed by the applicant.
  • Passport should be valid for a minimum of six months beyond the date of intended entry into India.
  • Visa is not given beyond the date of validity of passport. For example, if a passport is valid until April 30, 2012 and an applicant is applying for 5 year visa on September 1, 2008, validity of visa will be restricted up to April 30, 2012 only.
  • Passport should have at least two blank pages for affixing visa and the immigration stamps.
  • Non-Japanese foreigner applicants should bring, if they have, their alien registration card along with a copy.
  • Period of validity of visa is counted from the date of its issue and not from the date of entry into India.
  • For holders of Student Visa, Medical Visa, Research Visa and Employment Visa, registration with FRRO/FRO within 14 days of arrival in India is necessary for visas with more than 180 days validity. In all other types of visas, registration is not required if each stay does not exceed 180 days. The Ministry of Home Affairs of Government of India website at gives other useful details including on Indian Visa System/ Temporary Landing Permits/ Visa-On-Arrival / Visa Extension / Registration / Addresses of FRROs (Foreigners Regional Registration Offices) etc.
  • It is advisable that visa should be applied well in advance of the intended date of travel to India.
  • Original and signed supporting documents like invitation letters, letter of admission, letter of recommendation etc. should be submitted. Fax copies of such documents would be considered for acceptance only if the explanation for not providing the originals is found satisfactory. Such fax copies should invariably bear the auto-printed telephone number of the sending organization/company. Scanned copies of such documents may also be acceptable subject to satisfaction as to their genuineness.
  • Photocopies of Govt. sanctions/orders may be acceptable but photocopies of invitation letters, recommendation letters, admission letters etc. are not acceptable
  • e-Mail communications are not acceptable as genuine supporting documents.
  • If necessary, the onus of establishing the genuineness of a document would lie with the applicant.
  • All required supporting documents must be submitted with the visa application. Visa application is not likely to be accepted on promise of production of a required document subsequently.
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