Information for Indians
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    • All Indians as well as Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) may like to visit the ‘Overseas Indian Affairs’ section on the website of Ministry of External Affairs i.e. to keep themselves abreast with the latest news.
    • For passport rules & forms, please visit All the forms from this site are acceptable in the Consulate general of india, Osake-Kobe.
    • Links to external websites given herein are for the sake of convenience and believed to be authentic. However, this Consulate takes no responsibility for their contents.
    • Rates of fee may change any time. Fees are payable only in cash in Japanese Yen.
    • Acceptance of application and the prescribed fee for a service is for processing the application and does not amount to any commitment to provide the service requested for. The fee received/collected is non-refundable as it is towards processing of the application and not necessarily for providing the service.
    • Consular Officer may demand additional documentations other than those listed. 
    • Those applying by post should invariably give their e-mail ID to facilitate communication in case of any discrepancy in their application.
    • For seeking information on consular/passport matters which are not covered hereunder, members of public should send e-mail inquiries to
    • Barring holidays and weekends (Saturdays and Sundays), applications are received at the Consular Wing of the Consulate from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
    • Processed documents are ready for collection from 1530 hrs. to 1630 hrs. on the pick-up date printed in the receipt issued at the time of application.
    • If the printed pick-up date falls on a holiday, then the delivery will be on the subsequent working day.

NRI Voting rights

In response to common queries regarding voting rights of overseas Indians, it is clarified that every Indian citizen staying in a foreign country, who has not acquired citizenship of a foreign country and has completed 18 years as on 1st January of the year, can make an application in form 6 A for being registered in the roll for the constituency pertaining to the locality in which his place of residence in India as mentioned in the passport is located. The application in Form 6 A can be presented to the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) concerned. Particulars and addresses of these EROs and form 6 A, along with guidelines for filling up the form, can be obtained from the official website of the Election Commission of India 

The application forms should be sent directly to the Electoral Registration Officers(ERO)s of the constituency within which the place of ordinary residence of the applicant (as given in the valid passport) falls. Documents to be submitted with the fully filled in application forms include one recent passport size coloured photograph (with a light background and showing the full face of the applicant), self-attested photocopies of relevant pages of passport containing the photograph and all other particulars of the applicant as also the page containing a valid visa endorsement.

It is further clarified that once enrolled, an Indian national living abroad will be able to cast vote in the election in the particular constituency for which one would have to be physically present on the day of election at the polling station along with the original passport. 

If the application is submitted in person before the ERO, the application should be accompanied by a photocopy of the relevant pages of the passport as mentioned above. The original passport should also be produced along with the application for verification by the ERO. The passport will be returned immediately after verification.

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