Additional Charges on Visa and Passport Fees
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In addition to consular and visa fees chargeable and listed in Consular Services or Visa Fees as the case may be, there may be additional charges such as postal, telex and special charges, as applicable. The fees are to be paid in cash in Japanese Yen.
Postal Charges (applicable for Passport services)

  • Applicants sending their applications by post need to add JPY1000 per application.
  • Those applying at the Embassy but seeking delivery by post should add JPY600.
  • Postal charges are over and above the fee for the particular.
  • The cash may be sent by cash registered mail (GENKIN KAKITOME).
  • The applicants should also send a strong self addressed (but without stamps) envelope which would be used by the Embassy for returning the documents after due processing.
  • Applicants seeking service through post should invariably indicate E-Mail ID etc. to facilitate contact with them in the event of there being some deficiency in the application, documents etc.
  • It may be noted that the applicants send / seek delivery by post at their own risk. The Embassy uses registered post for dispatch of processed applications but is not responsible for any loss of documents.

Special Charges
There may be some other charges, for example, US citizens seeking Indian visa need to pay in addition an application fee which depends on the type of the visa and is generally JPY 2750.

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